
趙宗藻(b.1931) 移山愚公、種豆、新衣、土地、豆萁 版畫五件一組

圖錄號: 2497

估價RMB: 40,000-50,000

成交價RMB: 46,000(含傭金)

紙本 版畫
簽名:A/P 移山愚公 1978 趙宗藻
1/50 種豆 1987 趙宗藻 鈐印:宗藻
A/P新衣 新 疆行組畫之四 趙宗藻1979
A/P 土地 1998 趙宗藻
A/P 豆萁 趙宗藻 1955
《新衣》——《趙宗藻作品選集》p 87,浙江人民美術(shù)出版社。
《60 WOODCUT PRINTS》,歐洲木版畫基金會。
《種豆》——“趙宗藻作品展” ,法國,1996年。
Woodcut on paper
Dated at different times
Description:signed, entitled, dated and a seal print of the artist in five times.
Illustrated: 1 . YU GONG REMOVE THE MOUNTAINS— Selection of Zhao Zongzao’s Works, p79, Zhejiang people’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
Selection of China Famous Woodcut Artists’s Works—Zhao Zongzao, p36, Zhejiang people’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
2 . SEED BEANS— Selection of Zhao Zongzao’s Works, p108, Zhejiang people’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
Selection of China Famous Woodcut Artists’s Works—Zhao Zongzao, p41, Zhejiang people’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
3 . NEW DRESS— Selection of Zhao Zongzao’s Works, p87, Zhejiang people’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
4 . LAND—Selection of Zhao Zongzao’s Works, p129, Zhejiang people’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
Selection of China Famous Woodcut Artists’s Works—Zhao Zongzao, catalogue, Zhejiang people’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
The Woodcut Art in Contemporary China, Europe Woodcut Foundation.
60 WOODCUT PRINTS, Europe Woodcut Foundation.
5. BEANSTALK—Selection of Zhao Zongzao’s Works, p25, Zhejiang people’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
Selection of China Famous Woodcut Artists’s Works—Zhao Zongzao, p11, Zhejiang people’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
Exhibited: 1 . YU GONG REMOVE THE MOUNTAINS -- The Sixth Exhibition of National Woodcut Works,1979.
2 . SEED BEANS-- Exhibition of Zhao Zongzao’s Works, 1996, French
3 . NEW DRESS—Exhibition of Zhao Zongzao’s Works, 2000, Japan.
4. BEANSTALK—The Second Exhibition of National Woodcut Works,1956.
RMB: 40,000-50,000
趙宗藻 1931年生于江蘇江陰,1947年入蘇州美術(shù)專科學(xué)校學(xué)習(xí),1952年畢業(yè)于南京大學(xué)美術(shù)系,1950年開始版畫創(chuàng)作,1955年起在中央美術(shù)學(xué)院華東分院版畫系任教,歷任浙江美術(shù)學(xué)院教授、版畫系主任、副院長,浙江版畫家協(xié)會主席,中國版畫家協(xié)會副主席,中國美協(xié)理事、浙江分會副主席,榮獲國務(wù)院表彰在文藝事業(yè)作出突出貢獻(xiàn)政府特殊津貼。近50年來,其一直從事美術(shù)教育并堅持版畫創(chuàng)作,1984年創(chuàng)作“黃山”組畫之《黃山松》、《仙蓬萊》參加第七屆挪威國際版畫雙年展獲獎,1992年分別應(yīng)澳大利亞堪培拉國立大學(xué)藝術(shù)學(xué)院和美國威斯康辛大學(xué)邀請講學(xué)并舉辦個人版畫展,并被威斯康辛大學(xué)授予著名藝術(shù)家杰出貢獻(xiàn)獎。1996年應(yīng)邀赴巴黎國際藝術(shù)城舉辦個人畫展,并赴歐洲考察。他的作品被中國美術(shù)館、大英博物館、莫斯科東方文化博物館、巴黎圖書館、悉尼美術(shù)館、布里斯班美術(shù)館、神奈川美術(shù)館及波特萊美術(shù)館等收藏。出版有《趙宗藻作品選集》、《中國版畫名家作品集——趙宗藻》、《新安江水電站工地寫生集》、《趙宗藻教授速寫專集》、《浙江版畫十五年1990——2005》。
Zhao Zongzao was born in Jiangyin of Jiangsu province in 1931, and entered Suzhou Art College in 1947, graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Nanjing University. He began printmaking in 1950, served as a teacher in the East Branch of the Central Academy of Fine Arts to teach printmaking department from 1955,and also served as a professor of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts; the director and vice president of the Printmaking Department; the president of Zhejiang Printmaking Artists Association and the assistant president of the China Printmaking Artists Association; the director of Chinese Artists Association, and the vice president of Zhejiang Branch of Chinese Artists Association. He enjoying the special allowance from the Chinese State Council. His works The Pine Tree on the Mount Huang and The Penglai Fairyland was selected by The 7th International Printmaking Biennial Exhibition in Norway(1984); and he held solo exhibition in Australia and American(1992); held held solo exhibition in Pairs International Arts Centre. His Works collected by a lot of galleries and museums from home and abroad. Published The Selection of Zhao Zongzao; The Collection of Chinese Printmaking Artists--Zhao Zongzao, etc.


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